Travel fund

The CCP-NC has a bursary scheme to enable UK early career researchers to participate in high-profile / internationally recognised meetings, including conferences or training workshops, in the field of NMR crystallography.

Testimonials from previous recipients can be found here.


Applicants must either be registered for postgraduate study or hold a post-doctoral research assistant position (PDRA) at a UK institution.

For conference support, applicants must be presenting (oral or poster) at the meeting. The applicant must be the presenting (highlighted) author.

Note that we will not normally fund attendance at satellite meetings.

Applicants will be expected to provide a short report on how they have benefitted from the scheme.

Up to two applications may be made per research group per conference, with a maximum of two awards per research supervisor per calendar year.


Applications should be made at least 2 months in advance of travel to allow time for approval. Applications cannot be made retrospectively.

The amount requested will need to be briefly justified, based on estimated costs. It is anticipated that awards will be covering a large majority (~80%) of the actual costs incurred. Requests of up to £800 may be made to cover key costs, such as travel, accommodation and registration. Subsistence, unless part of other key costs, is not covered.

The costs incurred need to be in-line with institutional travel policies. We strongly recommend booking travel through your institution to avoid difficulties at a later stage when your costs are reimbursed through Durham University, who will be carefully following UKRI guidelines on eligible costs. Where possible, expenditure should be booked before travel, e.g. pre-booked transfers rather than ad hoc taxi fares. If you are unsure whether proposed travel arrangements may be ineligible, please contact Kane Shenton.

Applications must include a covering letter from the researcher’s supervisor explaining why this support is necessary, i.e. the travel could not be funded from other sources. In the case of EPSRC DTG students, for example, conference travel would normally be provided through the Research Training and Support Grant, hence CCP-NC travel bursaries can only be used to fund additional training for UKRI-funded students. Similarly, support for PDRAs funded on UKRI grants would clearly need to be additional, since “normal” travel should be funded directly from their grant.


Requests for reimbursement will be made within three months of travel, following the procedure explained here.

Note that the reimbursement can only be made after the meeting, subject to proof of expenditure and participation.

Application form

Applicant details

Supporting Material

Details of Conference/Workshop

Financial details