Using Young

This guide is intended to provide information on how to set up calculations on Young quickly, with the addition of some points specific to CCP-NC. For a more detailed description, please visit the main Young User Guide.

You will need an account to access Young. If you don't have one yet, please read the HPC access page and fill our registration form. Users need to log in to Young via a command line terminal.

Command line terminals

Terminal programs will have already been installed on Linux and Mac systems. On a Mac, search for iTerm in Spotlight, and on most Linux systems Ctrl+Alt+T will open a terminal.

We recommend using MobaXterm which acts both as a terminal and file transfer utility. There is no installation, just download the program. To set it up, click on settings

and in the General tab, set a persistent home directory of your choice.

Finally, click on Start local terminal to start the terminal.

After registration, you'll be given a username. To log in, run the following command in the terminal:
ssh <username>
where you need to replace <username> as appropriate.

Open the $HOME/.bash_profile file and append the these lines to the end of the file:

export PATH=/shared/ucl/depts/ccpnc/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/shared/ucl/depts/ccpnc/lib/python2.7/site-packages

At your next log in, you will be able to access the tools CCP-NC provides.

The directory /shared/ucl/depts/ccpnc/file_share/ is read-writable for those in the CCP-NC group. To share files with others, you may copy them here. Once you no longer need the files, please delete them.

You can copy files to and from Young using scp or rsync (Linux and Mac) or MobaXterm or WinSCP (Windows). There are two main areas to store data on Young: your home directory ($HOME) and a shared scratch area which is linked to $HOME/Scratch. Here is a summary on what you can and cannot do:

login nodes compute nodes back-up
$HOME read/write read-only yes
$HOME/Scratch read/write read/write no

In short, you must run your jobs in a subdirectory under $HOME/Scratch, but you should copy the results of your job (e.g. the .castep, .magres -out.cell files) under $HOME as soon as the job finished.

CCP-NC provides a customised version of the castepsub script:

Usage: castepsub <options> castep_seed(s)
-A <account>              Identifies  the  account  to  which  the resource consumption of the job should be charged. Default: UKCP_NC
-a <jobID[,jobID2,...]>   Defines a dependency. Current job will only be executed after the jobids listed finished
-d                        Debug mode, prints the jobscript but does not submit it
-n <number>               Number of MPI processes. Default: 24
-m <memory>               Amount of memory per process requested in megabytes. Default: 5460
-W <walltime>             Walltime requested in HH:MM:SS format. Default: 01:00:00
-c <castep executable>    Use a different CASTEP executable. Default: /shared/ucl/depts/ccpnc/bin/castep_17.21_mpi
-p <paid|free>            Whether to submit a paid job or a low-priority (free) job. Default: paid
-s <scriptname>           Saves job script in <scriptname>
-l <loop|array>           When running multiple seeds, they can be a single job, executed in a loop or sent as an array job. Default: loop

Example: castepsub -W 2:00:00 -n 24 Si2 will submit a 2 hour, 24 core job to the queue.

castepsub lets you submit multiple jobs at the same time by specifying more than one seed. There are two ways to use this tool. Assume you have seed_one.cell, seed_one.param, seed_two.cell, seed_two.param in your working directory:

  • castepsub -l loop seed_one seed_two will submit a single job to the queue, which will first calculate seed_one, then seed_two. This approach is most useful when you have multiple small jobs, so they don't have to sit in the queue and wait for being run one-by-one. Just make sure you ask for enough walltime.
  • castepsub -l array seed_one seed_two will submit, in this case, two separate jobs which form a job array. The members of the job array will run separately as resources on the cluster allow. Your jobs will share a job id, but each of them will also have an array index. You can delete the entire array or just a single member of it.

You can list your seeds in a number of different ways:

  • seed_one seed_two seed_three is equivalent to seed_{one,two,three}
  • seed_1 seed_2 seed_3, is equivalent to seed_{1..3}
  • or it is possible to pad the numbers with zeros, no need to start from 1: seed_{08..10} is equivalent to seed_08, seed_09 and seed_10
  • the qstat command prints basic information about your current jobs

  • qhist prints a table on the history of waiting times given the size of the job and requested cores. Example: qhist -d 4 -p free will print you a table similar to this:

    24 cores 48 cores 96 cores
    1 h 13:01:07 0:34:39 N/A
    2 h N/A 0:08:48 N/A
    4 h N/A 0:01:12 N/A
    8 h 6:12:25 N/A 1:39:12
    16 h 11:55:47 22:22:40 30 days, 1:18:39

    The table shows the average time spent in the queue before running for different size jobs (24, 48 and 96 cores) asking for different amount of time (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 hours).

  • qsched prints a (very conservative) estimate on when your job will run

To delete a job, check its job id using qstat, then run qdel <job id> - where <job id> may be a single number or even a list.